MOSKITRAP MOSQUITO TRAP INDOOR - GM966 Electric Insect Killer Indoor (Suction Trap)
No Need for Mosquito Net, Mosquito Bat, Mosquito Repellent or any odorful refill pack which repel mosquito. Get rid of the mosquito and small pest completely. Regular usage helps to kill their breeding cycle and peaceful season of bug free environment.
Kill Mosquito, Fly, Moth and other flying insects upto 150 Sq. Feet and it's perfect to use indoors like Kitchen, Bedroom, Living Room, Poarch, Office, `
Can Be Kept in room while sleeping as it will work like a night lamp with negligible noise and will kill mosquitos with no Zapping - Completely Safe for Children and is Odor Free - Pest and Mosquitos will be collected in Anti Escape box at the bottom to see the results - Easy Charging by USB Powered Port for easy placement and charging - Can be operated using Power Bank as well.
The 365-400 nm bionic violet light wave enhances the attraction of mosquitoes and other insects through the human bionics technology, enabling precise pest and Mosquito trapping.
the right product